Corporate governance

As an AIM-quoted company, Zytronic plc complies with the principles of good governance and has adopted the Corporate Governance Code as set out by the Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA code).

Our country of incorporation and operation is England. We have a number of advisors and registrars.

The Board will continue to review strategies for future growth and improved shareholder value.

Statement of compliance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code

In line with the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Rules requiring all AIM-listed companies to adopt and comply with a recognised corporate governance code, the Board has adopted the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (QCA Code).

Details of how we comply with the QCA Code principles in broad terms can be found below in our Statement of Compliance with the QCA Code.

Dr Chris Potts
Reviewed: 28th January 2025

Establish a strategy and business model which promote long-term value for shareholders.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board acknowledges that they need to express a shared view of the Company’s purpose, business model and strategy.

This view must go beyond the simple description of products and corporate structures by setting out how the Company intends to deliver shareholder value in the medium to long-term and demonstrating that the delivery of long-term growth is underpinned by a clear set of values aimed at protecting the Company from unnecessary risk and securing its long-term future.


This view is set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements on pages 12-18 of the 2023 report.

Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Directors have developed a good understanding of the needs and expectations of all elements of the Company’s shareholder base. The Board acknowledges it must manage shareholders’ expectations and should seek to understand the motivations behind shareholder voting decisions.


Communication with shareholders is given high priority. There is regular dialogue with major and/or institutional shareholders, including presentations after the Company’s announcements of the half-year and full-year results in May and December/January, respectively. Presentations are also made to analysts and journalists at those times to present the Company’s results and report on developments. The Company has engaged with Investor Meet Company which is an online platform to enable any individual investor the ability to engage with UK listed companies. The Company continues to present in this manner to try to reach those shareholders that are not entitled to analyst information. This assists with the promotion of knowledge of the Company in the investment marketplace and with shareholders. The financial statements include a review of the business and future developments. These financial statements, the presentations and other financial information relating to the Company are available on this website at

Following the half-year and year-end presentations of results, the Executive Directors report to the Board on the feedback received from journalists, analysts and shareholders. In addition, the Company’s Nomad produces a feedback report from those meetings which is made available to all Directors. The Board considers the feedback presented to ensure the Company is discharging its responsibilities to its shareholders. The Executive Directors also report to the Board on any meetings with shareholders or institutional investors that may take place at other times of the year. The Board uses both the annual report and financial statements and the Annual General Meeting to communicate directly with private and institutional investors and welcomes their participation. The Chair aims to ensure that the Chairs’ of the audit and remuneration committees are available at the Annual General Meeting to answer questions. Details of resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which is presented within the Annual Report and Accounts. Should there be significant shareholder objection to any of the proposed resolutions then the Board ensures it contacts the shareholder to understand the motive behind the voting decision. The Board then considers this decision when making future decisions.

The primary point of contact at the Company for the shareholders is the Company Secretary, Claire Smith, who can be reached via telephone (+44 191 414 5511) or email at

In addition, the Independent Non-Executive Director is available to shareholders if they have any concerns which contact through the normal channels of the Chair, Chief Executive or the Group Finance Director has failed to resolve or for which, such contact is inappropriate.

Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long term success.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board understands that long-term success relies upon good relations with a range of different stakeholder groups both internal (workforce) and external (suppliers, customers, regulators and others).The Board has identified the Company’s stakeholders and understand their needs, interests and expectations and also acknowledges within its strategy and business model matters that relate to the Company’s impact on society, the communities within which it operates or the environment.

The Board takes stakeholder feedback very seriously and has implemented systems to garner the views from both its internal and external stakeholders.


We commit to the following to ensure the Company is discharging its responsibilities to its stakeholders.

Customer engagement

Our work streams are project orientated and we therefore rely heavily on customer engagement and feedback on delivering exceptional products tailored exactly to our customers’ requirements. We do not sell one standard product and therefore our relationships with our customers pre and post sale are essential to the future business development. We continue to advise and support our customers following a sale in order to assist with the integration of our sensors into their final products. We often provide troubleshooting advice on areas that are not related to our core business to assist the customer and maintain our reputation of providing excellent customer service. Other than delivering exceptional quality, it is because of this engagement and level of support that our customers come back to us for new and innovative future projects.

Supplier engagement

We have very good relationships with our suppliers and we work in conjunction with them to ensure our raw materials are delivered to our exact specification in the quantities in which we require at the times we require them. As a Company whose USP is the quality and durability of its products we must ensure the components of our product meet the requirements of ourselves and our customers. We also liaise with our suppliers on the development of new materials to ensure the relationships continue to strengthen. The Company does not engage with suppliers that do not abide with the Modern Slavery Act guidance and we do not buy conflict materials. We also prohibit the use of child labour in our supply chain.

Employee engagement

We strive to create the right conditions for all members of our organisation to give their best, be committed to our goals and values, and be motivated to contribute to the organisational success, with an enhanced sense of wellbeing. We ensure we communicate with our employees on a regular basis and we consider their feedback and knowledge when making changes to our processes. We have an employee assistance service through one of our insurers that we encourage staff to utilise if they wish to talk over any matters of personal concern at any time. We also have a number of trained Mental Health First Aiders on site for immediate access to this type of support. We have a good mix of long serving employees and newer recruits which brings a good perspective when it comes to business development. When recruiting new or replacement personnel we ensure we enhance upon the skills and expertise already in place. We have introduced a number of employee focused policies into the business, such as flexible working, stress and mental wellbeing at work and a menopause policy, to name but a few. This is to ensure we are continuing to assess and meet the needs of our workforce.


Employee training and development is one of the key factors to our success. Comprehensive training programmes allow us to advance workplace safety, productivity and satisfaction, as well as creating an informed and inspired workforce which can contribute to the advancement of our touch technology. We regularly review this across all departments to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of the business and also to assist in succession planning. During the year we trained a further four employees as Mental Health First Aiders which has ensured that this type of support is available within the business at any time. We have also created a work related stress risk assessment.


We are committed to training and have embarked on an apprenticeship scheme to train our engineers of the future. We believe this will help to mitigate against a possible longer term skills gap and encourage more apprentices to join the Company.


We pride ourselves on our diversity. Varying characteristics of our employees include, but are not limited to: religious and political beliefs, gender, ethnicity, education, socio-economic background, sexual orientation and geographic location. We have a comprehensive Equality and Diversity policy in place and training in this area has also occurred for all employees.

Environmental policy

At Zytronic we are committed to working towards a cleaner and greener future for all.

We endeavour to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulation. It is our goal to attain higher standards of environmental performance where practical and appropriate.

We are fully compliant with BSI Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and have regular audits to support this.


We promote environmental awareness throughout the Company and have introduced a number of activities which include the recycling of paper, cardboard, plastics, cans, bottles, metals, etc. Since introducing these recycling activities, Zytronic has reduced pollution into the environment by diverting 98% of its waste away from landfill with the remaining 2% being used as RDF fuel. Over the year we have engaged with a local wood recycling company to re-purpose our pallets and crates.

Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board ensures that the Company’s risk management framework identifies and addresses all relevant risks in order to execute and deliver strategy; The Company considers extended business, including the Company’s supply chain, from key suppliers to end-customer. When setting strategy, this includes determining the extent of the Company’s risk tolerance and risk appetite.


Risk management and the application of this principle is set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements. on pages 22-25 of the 2023 report.

Maintain the board as a well-functioning, balanced team led by the chair.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board members acknowledge that they have a collective responsibility and legal obligation to promote the interests of the Company and are collectively responsible for defining corporate governance arrangements. However, the Non-executive Chair, Chris Potts, acknowledges that the ultimate responsibility for the quality of, and approach to, corporate governance lies with him.

The Board and its committees are provided with high quality information in a timely manner to facilitate proper assessment of the matters requiring a decision or insight.

The Company’s Board considers its current mix of executive and independent non-executive directors to present an appropriate balance, but may recruit additional non-executive directors to align with corporate governance principles. It keeps this matter under regular review and evaluation and is mindful of the directors committing the time necessary to fulfil their roles.

The Board are supported by committees (e.g. audit and remuneration) that have the necessary skills and knowledge to discharge their duties and responsibilities effectively.


The application of this principle is set out in the Corporate Governance Statement on pages 29-31 and the Directors’ Report on pages 36-37 in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Ensure that between them the directors have the necessary up-to-date experience, skills and capabilities.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board acknowledges it must have an appropriate balance of sector, financial and public markets skills and experience, as well as an appropriate balance of personal qualities and capabilities. The Board understands and challenges its own diversity, including gender balance, as part of its composition and keeps all elements of its composition under regular review and evaluation to ensure it evolves to reflect the mix of skills and experience required.


The application of this principle is set out in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements on page 28.

Evaluate board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement.

The Board believes it partially complies with this principle.


The Board regularly reviews the effectiveness of its performance as a unit, as well as that of its committees and the individual directors. The Board performance review is carried out internally and attempts to identify development or mentoring needs of individual directors or the wider senior management team, along with succession planning issues and additional skills requirements.


The Chair believes the Board has performed effectively over the year. The key strategic issues and risks have been discussed in an open and honest forum with decisions being made based on the factual data presented. Each Board member has a particular area of expertise and has utilised this to provide insightful comment and contribution to the business demands of the Company. The Company is mindful of succession planning and has discussions on this matter. The Board is currently working on a formal evaluation process and all members are challenged and assessed at the Board meetings.

Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviours.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Board embodies and promotes a corporate culture that is based on sound ethical values and behaviours. Corporate values guide the objectives and strategy of the Company and are entrenched in every aspect of the business, including recruitment, promotions, training and engagement.


We have three core values which serve as the guidelines for our conduct as an organisation and for the behaviour of our employees:


Building relationships of mutual respect with colleagues, customers, suppliers, advisers and investors, ensuring that we conduct ourselves at all times in an open, honest and ethical manner.


Providing customer satisfaction through the continual improvement of our products and processes and the capabilities of our employees, through innovation, development and training. We work with both our customers and suppliers to meet theirs and our needs in delivering exceptional products tailored exactly to our customers’ requirements.


Driving towards profitable growth and increasing shareholder value through the balance of short term demands and long term strategies whilst considering our impact on our wider stakeholder group.

The Company regularly assesses these principles to ensure they are being maintained across all areas of the business and reacts if necessary to any changes it is required to make to continue to comply. There is a Corporate Governance report in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements detailing such matters.

Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and support good decision-making by the board.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The Company maintains governance structures and processes in line with its corporate culture and appropriate to its:· size and complexity; and · capacity, appetite and tolerance for risk.

The Company’s governance structures are evolved over time in parallel with its objectives, strategy and business model to reflect the development of the Company.


Directors’ Responsibilities

The Board currently comprises a Non-executive Chair, one Non-Executive Director and two Executive Directors. The Non-executive Chair and Non-executive Director are independent of the executive management. The Non-executive Chair carries a casting vote should a board decision not be unanimous. The Executive Directors and the subsidiary’s senior management meet regularly to review and consider operational matters.

The Board’s responsibilities include setting annual budgets, reviewing trading performance, approving significant capital expenditure, ensuring adequate funding, setting and monitoring strategy, examining major acquisition possibilities and reporting to shareholders. Between meetings there is regular informal discussion between the Chair, CEO, Group Finance Director and Non-Executive Director. The Non-executive Chair and the Non-executive Director have a particular responsibility to ensure that the strategies proposed by the Executive Directors are fully considered.

The Chair’s primary responsibility is to facilitate Board discussion on the key drivers for value creation and risk management with the business as well as the effective running of the Board.

The Executive Directors have day to day responsibility of the business operations alongside the subsidiary Company Directors, which also includes engagement with shareholders and stakeholders and Company secretarial matters. The Company will continue to evolve its governance matters in line with the Company’s plans for growth.

Board Committees

Following admission to AIM, the Board established an audit committee and a remuneration committee, each of which operates within defined terms of reference. The Board also established a nominations committee over the course of financial year 2023.

Audit Committee

The audit committee is chaired by Mark Butcher. The audit committee meetings are also attended, by invitation, by the other Directors. The committee provides a forum for reporting by the Group’s external auditors.

The audit committee is responsible for reviewing a wide range of matters including the half year and annual financial statements before their submission to the Board and monitoring the controls which are in force to ensure the integrity of the information reported to the shareholders. The audit committee advises the Board on the appointment of external auditors and on their remuneration both for audit and non-audit work and discusses the nature, scope and results of the audit with the auditor.

The audit committee keeps under review the cost effectiveness of the auditor. It also reviews the extent of the non-audit services provided by the auditor and reviews with them their independence and objectivity. The Chair of the audit committee reports the outcome of audit committee meetings to the Board and the Board receives minutes of the meetings. The Audit Committee report is presented in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements on page 32.

Remuneration Committee

The remuneration committee is chaired by Mark Butcher, the Independent Non-executive Director. The committee is responsible for determining the remuneration for the Executive Directors and the subsidiary Directors. The committee determines the contract terms, remuneration and other benefits for each of the Executive Directors, including performance related bonus schemes, pension rights and compensation payments.

The Board determines the remuneration of the Chair and the Non-Executive Director. The remuneration report is shown in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements on pages 34-35.

Nomination Committee

The nomination committee is chaired by Mark Butcher, the Independent Non-executive Director. The committee is responsible for ensuring the balance between the Board members is appropriate for the Group to implement its strategy. The nomination committee report is shown in the 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements on page 33.

Insider Trading

The Company has appropriate policies and procedures in place to guard against insider trading by employees, including Directors and is mindful of its responsibilities under the Market Abuse Regulation.

Communicate how the company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders.

The Board believes it fully complies with this principle.


The methods in place to ensure a healthy dialogue exists between the Board and all of its stakeholders,
including shareholders, to enable all interested parties to come to informed decisions about the
Company is described under principles 2. and 8.The Board has established a network of communication and reporting structures between itself and all
constituent parts of its shareholder base to assist the communication of shareholders’ views to the
Board and the shareholders’ understanding of the unique circumstances and constraints faced by the Company.


The Company’s Annual and Interim Results can be found here. Presentations to shareholders are also included in this section.

These pages include details of all proxy votes received and the number of shares voted for and against all resolutions put to shareholders at Annual General Meetings held throughout the year.

AGM Voting Results

Share dealing

The Company has adopted a dealing code for all Directors, including subsidiary Directors, in terms no less exacting than the Model Code for Directors’ Dealings as set out in the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance by the Board and any relevant employees.